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19/02/2007: "Virtually dead"
I have just noticed that my blog has been put in the category of "vitually dead links" by old friend Choffat, which pissed me off because I started blogging first (bastard). So I'm now trying to catch up, at least until I'm moved back into the category of live links.
To be fair, having one post per month isn't quite good enough to call it a blog. But a lot of my energy used to be taken from having to delete dozens of spam comments every day. Thankfully now, the problem has been solved. But I need to find my voice again (or at least cool pictures to post).
Belated news - I'm now based in The Hague, Netherlands, for the time being, instead of London. I left London last summer for better pastures and fewer pints. New flat, new job, new life, and fantastic flight connections from Amsterdam, 30min away. The world is at my doorstep, which is how I like it. I'm even a Privium subscriber, allowing me to speed through passport checks with a wink at an iris scan machine.
I've taken an interest in offsetting my carbon emissions from flying. This might seem strange to you given my professional background. I can then fly nearly every week with the comfort of knowing that with every take off I am responsible for a few more planted trees.
I'm giving myself a few days to clean up and update this blog, post pictures and get start again. And if I don't, then at least please have the kindness to send me an email reminder to post again.