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31/12/2006: "Fireworks"
The Dutch have a wonderful tradition of celebrating the new year by lighting up fireworks in the days leading up to the 1st. Today in the Hague, there isn't a minute going by without a loud explosion shaking my windows. I hear that tonight will be deafening, a cacophony of home-made displays rivaling the one organised by the city. But I'll be missing that, as I'm off to Copenhagen to celebrate this evening. It'll be my second visit to the city, which I hope will be more rowdy and adventurous than the first from a few years ago, which remains in my memory as a rather tame (though not unpleasant) excursion. The little mermaid looked very small on its small rock, on a cold, rainy, winter's day.
Even if tonight is tame (not lame), it'll be nice to drink expensive champagne from Amsterdam's duty free in good company. Good year to all, and bring it on in 2007!