Philippe Rose
One day I'll have my office on the Moon!
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Home » Archives » December 2006 » The voice is the message

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29/12/2006: "The voice is the message"

I'm preparing to close the year off with a low-key celebration in a yet undisclosed European capital, one I've visited already though (you can't have it all everytime, spaceman).

Looking back on thoughts written before the last new year's eve, I find it funny that I had also "wanted to do something quite special in a cool country with special people" this year and it also "kind of fell through" again. Not that I particulary care about symbolic transitions into the new year so much anymore.

My fear that last year's celebration would turn out to be "a model for 2006: wannabe great ending up pretty lame" were unfounded. The year didn't start well, but turned out to be a really brilliant year (I will say why in another post). This blog however has nearly become the casualty of an ever more travelling me, lacking some motivation to upgrade its technology and freshen up its looks.

Also, I haven't relocated to "somewhere interesting" I can blog about effortlessly or post nice pictures from. And all this craze about "user generated content" is making me weary about adding my own irrelevant voice to the endless supply of voices on the internet. Sometimes I deplore this blog might only be relevant to my parents (when they don't want to call me but still would like to know where I am), my grandfather (when he can remember the URL) and a few occasional friends.

Because of my own increasing geographic dispersion, and the ever greater role of self-publicity (user-generated content) in connecting oneself to the world around us, 2007 for me will have to contain some more blogging. Happy New Year.

Philippe Rose is where Philippe Rose blogs. One day I'll have my office on the Moon (in Borneo for now).


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2008: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
2007: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
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December 2006


In my ears

♫ Breed 77 ~ The Game

♫ Bullet For My Valentine ~ All These Things

♫ Creed ~ What If

♫ Matchbook Romance ~ Portrait

♫ Rise Against ~ Prayer Of The Refugee

♫ Silverstein ~ Giving Up

♫ William Shatner ~ Common People

♫ Wonderland Dementia ~ Hypnosis

♫ Radio Wazee (128k)

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Philippe Rose
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