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30/03/2006: "Copymonkey"
In English, we say copycat, when someone copies someone. There's this awful movie with Sigourney Weaver called Copycat about a killer who imitates a famous serial killer. But why on Earth is it a cat? Do cats have a reputation for copying people? Is it because kittens tend to copy their mothers? You know what? I discovered that in Russian, it's copymonkey. Like in the expression, Monkey see, monkey do. How cool is that?!
I spent the evening tonight with a group of Chinese students. It was really good, because they started explaining to me how the languages works. You start drawing symbols that mean basic things, and add to them, draw some more, and it means something else. I even recognised the symbol of Bank of China, which I visited back in Shanghai. The symbol is part of the overall sign representing China (the country). Seems like a really fascinating language! I showed off some of my Russian, but not nearly as cool as Chinese!