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25/03/2006: "Dude"
Hey, dude..., but I can't say it. I say "dyude", and not "dood", like you should. So I guess I should stick to "Hey, mate", but I can't say that either. Not because I can't actually say it. I now even manage to make the "t" sound like how English people say it (they trip over it). I can't say mate because it sounds stupid. Like this guy whose face is all shot up and who rants on the tube once told a guy who had called him "mate": Don't call me mate, we're not on fucking terms.
Borough Market is nice. First visit. I bought a chicken burger, but the inside was still raw. I ate it anyway. I tasted the best coffee I had tried in a while. Full fat organic milk, and special harvest Colombian beans, served by Juan who seemed to have flown over just for the occasion. Funny how the whole point seemed to be about people tasting stuff. Nobody actually bought anything really. Where's the real market?
Can I recommend Transamerica to those who wish to have a first indie movie experience without the pain and with the popcorn? It's real good, feel good and all, but the story has some depth. Both the actress playing the man turning into a woman and the actor playing her/his son (Kevin Zeggers) are a pleasure to watch.