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21/03/2006: "One last time"
At 4.45pm, J calls me saying M wants to quit. She wants me to come over to finish off her stash. So 30min later, I leave my desk and head for Kings Cross to leave London on the 5.45pm rush hour train.
The train is packed so I have to stand in the middle of the carriage. Next to me, there is an old man dozing off on his seat. I notice him because of his smell. He smells of an old man. I try to read my newspaper. The articles are interesting, and time goes past quickly. I forget about the old man. I forget I'm standing.
Arrived, I walk from the station into town. I walk past Oddbins. I quickly call J and ask him if I need to buy anything there. He says I should. I walk into the shop and the lady asks me if I need help. She guides me towards nice-looking bottles. I think they're nice, because they have award stickers on them. I quickly settle for two. At the till, I want to make sure I've made the right choice. So I ask the lady which wine she would recommend for with smoking. The lady asks if I mean like cigars. But her colleague glances at her. She whispers quickly to her. She's guessed my true intentions to be. The lady suggests that my choice is appropriate for my purpose. I pay with my white Amex card and leave the shop.
With J and M, the evening unfolds really well. I'm happy to see them. M looks beautiful and very sexy, sitting on her desk. She's like commanding attention, I like it. J uncorks the bottles and we get going. Later, a friend drops by. We watch a stupid comedy thing, which gets funnier and funnier. There's quite a lot of smoke by now. Finally, it's time for me to go. I need to catch the next train. I wonder how I managed to keep track of time. I'm slighly sad I had to. But I'm happy. It was a good one last time.
The journey back is difficult. I have to pinch myself regularly. When I doze off, I feel my stomach churn and my mouth water. I don't want to be sick on the train. Finally, I reach Kings Cross. I have to find my way back. I can't find Tube entrance. Chasing the colours on the underground is difficult. Northbound and southbound mean nothing to me. I make a few mistakes. But I end up at the right station. I hop on to a bus. I struggle to squeeze my face against the window. I really want my brain to register when the bus reaches my bus stop. Luckily, my brain does. I get out and rush home. I remember the code to the door. It's my last hurdle tonight.