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08/09/2005: "Goodbye iPod"
After going through 2 replacement iPods in as many weeks, I have a clear conscience to finally abandon my iPod mini. I am now using Sony's thing (no idea how it's called), heavily advertised all over in Dubai in shops and on giant billboards. I first used it at the V2005 festival where Sony has free beach chairs in which to listen to music. The Sony things isn't too badly designed, it's quite small, but its software is awfully slow and messy. The overall experience is not as bad as Apple's, so I guess I'm happy. And if I keep using the white earphones, nobody will even notice my brand allegiance has changed!
Back in London now... looking forward to two family weekends, the first in Bristol and the second in Geneva with my uncle Mino (a.k.a. 'The Shark') and lovely cousine Lulu.