Philippe Rose
One day I'll have my office on the Moon!
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10/02/2005: "Iran"

Interesting chat with a guy from a US-owned UK company doing business in Iran. Apparently, a majority of companies operating in Iran are US-owned, operating through subsidiaries and taking advantage of a legal loophole to do so. It is impossible for the governments not to be aware of this. So I take it they must somehow sanction it - never mind the rhetoric about trade embargo and axis of evil and all that, practical concerns dominate. And without such companies operating on its soil, Iran's economy couldn't function. Probably part of the game.

Philippe Rose is where Philippe Rose blogs. One day I'll have my office on the Moon (in Borneo for now).


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In my ears

♫ Breed 77 ~ The Game

♫ Bullet For My Valentine ~ All These Things

♫ Creed ~ What If

♫ Matchbook Romance ~ Portrait

♫ Rise Against ~ Prayer Of The Refugee

♫ Silverstein ~ Giving Up

♫ William Shatner ~ Common People

♫ Wonderland Dementia ~ Hypnosis

♫ Radio Wazee (128k)

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